Jockey Bardottier suspended 6 months under Rule 43.1

At an Inquiry held at the Offices of the HRD on 7 June 2024, Jockey J Bardottier (COURTROOM MAGIC) and Trainer C Ramdin were interviewed regarding the riding from the 700 m to the winning post, as well as Jockey Bardottier’s loss of his whip in the home straight. 

Subsequently, Jockey J Bardottier was charged with a contravention of Rule 43.1, in that, he failed to ensure that his mount, COURTROOM MAGIC, is ridden on its merits. 

Jockey J Bardottier pleaded not guilty to the charge; however, he was found guilty as charged.

After considering the evidence in this matter, the Inquiry Board imposed a penalty of a suspension from riding in races from 12th June 2024 to 31st December 2024.  

Jockey J Bardottier has the right of appeal against the penalty imposed.

Friday, 7 June 2024

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