Former SA Jockey David fined Rs 20 000 for interview

At an Inquiry held at the Offices of the HRD today, Mr. Derreck David was charged with a contravention of Rules 80.1.39, in that, on 11th May 2024 after the running of Race 3 at the Champ de Mars Racecourse in a post-race interview, he made statements on a TV channel and conducted himself in a manner which could reasonably be construed to be offensive and defamatory to the HRD or bringing the HRD into disrepute.

Mr. Derreck David pleaded guilty to the charge; and he was found guilty as charged.

After considering the evidence in this matter, the Inquiry Board imposed a penalty of a fine of Rs. 20 000 and a severe warning on him.   

Mr. Derreck David has the right of appeal against the charge and the penalty imposed.

Friday, 24 May 2024

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