Trainer Daby suspended 1 year and fined Rs 500 000

On 2nd May 2024, the Inquiry Board comprising of Stipendiary Stewards concluded an inquiry at the Office of Horse Racing Division into the positive finding of a Prohibited Substance, STANOZOLOL and 16β hydroxystanozolol, in the blood sample taken on 07th December 2023 from horse CAPTAIN’S CONSORT, a declared runner in Race 02 under the care of Trainer C Daby at the Champ De Mars Racecourse. The result of the analysis was confirmed in the B Sample by Le Laboratoire des Courses Hippiques, in France.

STANOZOLOL is an Anabolic Androgenic Steroid which is an Illicit Substance published by the Horse Racing Division. Mr. C Daby was interviewed in this regard and pleaded not guilty to the charge of contravening Rule 69.1.2, 65.1, 65.2 read in conjunction with the “Illicit Substance” as published in the Racing Calendar, however the Board found him guilty, in that, he, Mr. Daby, as the Trainer of the horse, CAPTAIN’S CONSORT, was guilty of an offence as the sample taken from this horse at any time within 72 hours preceding the Day of the Race in which this horse was due to run disclosed upon analysis the presence of an Illicit Substance.

Consequently, a penalty of suspension for a period of 1 year and a fine of a sum of Rs.500,000 was imposed on him.

Trainer Daby has appealed against the sanction.

Thursday, 2 May 2024

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